Refund Policy 2025

If you do not attend to the event and you did not informed us the latest 1 day before your show, we call this a ’NO SHOW’. In this case we cannot issue refund and refund lock will be expired.

Priority appointment fee will not be refunded, if you cancel your booking within 2 weeks prior your show. Refund Lock fee will not be refunded. Transaction fees(PayPal 5% transaction fee and SimplePay fix 2.5€ fee) and Late fees are not the subject of the refund.

We strictly follow our refund policy and we will not take any reasoning of cancellation into consideration. We cannot and will not make any exception.

If any form of refund can be applicable, we will issue the payment or voucher to you as soon as possible, but not later than in in 2 weeks, after we confirmed of its validity.

If you cancel your booking, please always write the following information in the cancellation email: Name, Competition name and date.

Remember! You can always add ’Refund Lock’ to your booking, which means, you will get full refund, if you cancel at latest 1 day before the show. No refund fee will be applied.